Tag: Pass
My Linux Setup (As of 11/2021)
Description of my daily Linux setup as of November 2021
A couple of years ago I wrote a blog post about my Linux setup at the time. Well, understandably a lot of things have changed since then, and instead of updating a two year old post, I think writing a new one from scratch with the same principle and using the same template makes more sense. It is always fun to go back and read these old posts, and I fully expect that this one post will be as enjoyable for me in a few years time.
My Linux Setup (As of 10/2020)
Description of my daily Linux setup as of October 2019
Edit (2020-10-02):
change termite to kitty due to font ligatures support.
Edit (2020-06-01):
change urxvt to termite, update info on qutebrowser with tor.*
In this post I’m documenting the current (March 2019) system setup I use in my development machines. This has been converging for a long time already, and It will surely evolve in the future. However, right now, it works well for me. I use the machines mostly for development work (Gaia Sky, Gaia First Look, Ph.D., etc.). I also use my personal computers for the occasional light gaming session (Terraria, C&C remastered, or whatever I feel like at the moment) and as all-around computing devices to manage stuff.