Tag: Game

1 minute read

HTML5 Snake Game

HTML5 Snake Game

Lately, I have been messing around with a snake game written in HTML5+js. A great deal of parameters can be modified in real time using an input form in the same page, such as the width and length of canvas, cell shape, background colour, food colour, snake colour and the speed of the game. Also, I posted the full javascript code.

If you are interested, you can check the results here.

RTS Engine Preview

Video preview of Real Time Strategy engine

3 minute read

Screenshot of my real-time strategy game engine featuring fog of war and several units.

Screenshot of my real-time strategy game engine featuring fog of war and several units.

Today I want to introduce a very different piece of software I have been putting together lately. It is a RTS (real time strategy) engine. I started playing with the idea as a time killer some years ago, kicking off the development with a fast version of the A* pathfinding algorithm backed not by a grid (as usual) but by a quadtree. Quadtrees make pathfinding super-fast because of their hierarchical division of space and their adaptive partition sizes. Even though I used visibility graphs to store the navigable nodes from one given point, quadtrees are also fast for checking the properties/elements of a position’s surroundings, for child nodes are always spatially contained in parent nodes.

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