Ph.D. Thesis

Peer-reviewed Papers — First Author

Peer-reviewed Papers — Coauthor

Talks, seminars and lectures

  • 2024-03-18: DPAC Consortium Meeting 2024, Nice, France — Gaia Sky Crash Course
  • 2024-02-02: MWGaiaDN Induction School at PLNT, Leiden, Netherlands — Gaia Sky Tutorial
  • 2023-12-11: AR/VR for Space Programmes, ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, Netherlands — Gaia Sky VR 1
  • 2023-03-13: DPAC Consortium Meeting 2023, Heidelberg, Germany — Gaia Sky Scripting Tutorial2
  • 2021-11-25: CNES COMET OPS, “Outils 3D dans le spatial”, Balma, France/Online — Gaia Sky3
  • 2021-03-18: DPAC Consortium Meeting 2021, Online — Gaia Sky status update4
  • 2021-03-17: DPAC Consortium Meeting 2021, Online — Gaia Sky tutorial4 5
  • 2020-05-27: Eurographis&Eurovis 2020, Online — Visual Analysis of the Finite-Time Lyapunov Exponent6 7
  • 2020-01-28: CU9 Plenary Meeting, Edinburgh, Scotland — Gaia Sky status update
  • 2019-10-04: European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC), Noordwijk, The Netherlands — Gaia Sky
  • 2018-09-14: IMPRS-HD Summer School 2018 — Visualization of Gaia Data8
  • 2018-06-20: Gaia Data Workshop 2018, Haus der Astronomy, Heidelberg — Gaia Sky
  • 2018-10-24: VIS 2018, Berlin — Gaia Sky: Navigating the Gaia Catalog9 10
  • 2018-02-21: CU9 Plenary Meeting, Leiden, The Netherlands — Gaia Sky, What’s New
  • 2017-01-22: DPAC Consortium Meeting 2017, Sitges — Gaia Sky
  • 2016-10-25: VIS 2017, Baltimore, USA — Topological Analysis of Inertial Dynamics11
  • 2016-11-22: Gaia Data Workshop 2016, Haus der Astronomie, Heidelberg, Germany — Gaia Sky
  • 2016-01-18: PhD selection, IWR MathComp, Heidelberg, Germany — Visualization of Astrometric and Astrophysical Data
  • 2015-11-19: DPAC Consortium Meeting 2015, Leiden, The Netherlands — Gaia Sandbox, What’s New
  • 2015-09-22: CU9 Plenary Meeting, Barcelona — Gaia Sandbox
  • 2015-09-17: AG2015, Kiel, Germany — Gaia Visualization
  • 2015-01-22: ARI colloquium, Heidelberg, Germany — Gaia Sandbox
  • 2014-12-11: Gaia group seminar, Heidelberg, Germany — Gaia Visualization for Outreach
  • 2014-02-19: Haus der Astronomie, Heidelberg, Germany — Gaia Visualization in the Dome
  • 2012-06-18: Barcelona, Gaia/UB — Gaia Telemetry Validator

Documents and reports

M.Sc. Presentations

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