Category: Old Blog

1 minute read

Notice This is a verbatim copy of a post made in my old blog, included here for archiving purposes. Yesterday I went to a house party and after that, I met some Catalan and Spanish people and we went out downtown, around the Union Street. We actually went to a club called The Priory, in Belmont Street. This far everything looks normal. But there is a small detail you have to pay attention to.

2 minute read

Notice This is a verbatim copy of a post made in my old blog, included here for archiving purposes. Ahir al migdia vaig jugar el primer partit de futbol des que he arribat a Aberdeen. Feia un fred que pelava (jo diria que estavem al voltant dels -1ºC). Vam ser unes 24 persones, gairebé tots estudiants internacionals, així que vam fer dos equips de 12. Un cop a Seaton Park ens vam vestir de curt (quin fred, Déu meu!

1 minute read

Notice This is a verbatim copy of a post made in my old blog, included here for archiving purposes. Here goes my new address, which is meant to be permanent till I leave Aberdeen on June: Toni Sagrista Room 121F Keith House Don Street Aberdeen AB24 1WU

2 minute read

Notice This is a verbatim copy of a post made in my old blog, included here for archiving purposes. So finally I could swap rooms with Kunal. It’s been quite a hard task to accomplish, since there’s a lot of bureaucracy for such an easy thing as well. But let’s start at the beginning. Kunal is an indian guy who arrived at Scotland just one day after I did, and he was very close to the indians of my former flat.

2 minute read

Notice This is a verbatim copy of a post made in my old blog, included here for archiving purposes. Finalment he aconseguit superar amb èxit el caos i la desorganització d’aquesta universitat els 2 primers. He tingut força problemes per gairebé tot. Primer, per a registrar-se com a estudiant i aconseguir un compte per poder utilitzar internet -cosa extremament simple a Reading- he hagut de recorrer d’un edifici a un altre per després tornar al primer durant gairebé dos esgotadors dies sencers.

1 minute read

Notice This is a verbatim copy of a post made in my old blog, included here for archiving purposes. Well, everything is set, my second erasmus experience is about to start. During this week I’ve been arranging and fixing some pending tasks I had pulled apart, mostly some erasmus paperwork. And now it is time to say farewell to everyone. For example, yesterday we had dinner with the work colleagues in a comfortable, warm restaurant in Gracia district called La Barbacoa de Gràcia.

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