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This is a verbatim copy of a post made in my old blog dimlight.wrodpress.com, included here for archiving purposes.

So I’m finally settled down in Scotland. I went today to buy a football so that we can play whenever we feel like, without having to ask the others for a proper ball. Well, anyway, Im posting to tell u about whats happening in the upcoming week. A friend of my hometown, Oriol, is coming some days to Aberdeen to visit me and to hav a quick look at Scotland, so we’ll be taking a 4-day tour through the north and the west of this country, the less populated and most beautiful zone. It covers a great route that leaves from Edinburgh (we’ll probably move there on wednesday since we’re supposed to be at the departing office at 8.15am on thursday) and goes all the way to the Isle of Skye through Stirling (where the William Wallace monument is located) and Glencoe. Then we go towards the north to Kyle of Lochalsh, Inverness and the Loch Ness. We’ll have a chance there to catch a brief glipmse of Nessie or to see any trace of crippled sheep :P. Once there, we’ll go back to Edinburgh via Perth, just in time to take the coach back to Aberdeen. After I’ll post the pictures.

2 minute read


This is a verbatim copy of a post made in my old blog dimlight.wrodpress.com, included here for archiving purposes.

Llegeixo la premsa esportiva on-line i quedo astorat veient que absolutament tots els diaris de barcelona (Sport, ElMundoDeportivo, El9, Avui…) reprimeixen i piquen els dits a Eto’o per les seves delcaracions d’ahir. No sé si sóc jo l’extrany, però, com jo ho veig des de la llunyania, Eto’o té tota la raó del món quan diu que ell sempre ha estat amb el grup, a tots els entrenaments, sense fer tard mai. Jo l’entenc perfectament. En un vestuari com el del Barça s’han de tractar a tots de la mateixa manera, i més si hi ha més d’un crack. Si Ronaldinho arriba dos dies tard després de vacances o es queda la meitat d’entrenaments treballant al “gimnàs” a mi fins ara m’ha importat ben poc mentre compleixi als partits. Ara que l’Eto’o ha expressat el seu malestar per aquesta situació la cosa ha canviat. Personalment crec que el que fa Ronaldinho (que per mi és Déu, tot sigui dit) és una falta de respecte cap als seus companys, però que a més al final d’un partit declari que “cadascú sabrà el que s’ha de fer per ajudar al grup” -després que Eto’o es negués a jugar els últims 5 minuts per no haver escalfat prou estona com se li recomana tenint en compte la rehabilitació-.

1 minute read


This is a verbatim copy of a post made in my old blog dimlight.wrodpress.com, included here for archiving purposes.

Yesterday I went to a house party and after that, I met some Catalan and Spanish people and we went out downtown, around the Union Street. We actually went to a club called The Priory, in Belmont Street. This far everything looks normal. But there is a small detail you have to pay attention to. The Priory is located literally inside a church. It seems like it is a pretty spred practice in Aberdeen (dunno about the rest of Scotland) to have clubs in churches since in the same street there’s another “church club”.

2 minute read


This is a verbatim copy of a post made in my old blog dimlight.wrodpress.com, included here for archiving purposes.

Ahir al migdia vaig jugar el primer partit de futbol des que he arribat a Aberdeen. Feia un fred que pelava (jo diria que estavem al voltant dels -1ºC). Vam ser unes 24 persones, gairebé tots estudiants internacionals, així que vam fer dos equips de 12. Un cop a Seaton Park ens vam vestir de curt (quin fred, Déu meu!!) i vam començar a jugar una cosa similar al futbol, on hi havia jugadors vestits de tots colors per tot arreu (el camp que vam fer era una mica més petit que un camp de futbol regular per questions d’espai). Més que jugadors del teu equip i adversaris el que hi havia era obstacles; no va ser una bona tarda de futbol, però va ser força divertit almenys, sobretot tenint en compte que la gran majoria de la gent no portava botes amb tacs i estava tota l’estona per terra -doncs la gesta estava lleugerament gelada-. Els afortunats que teniem botes portavem un gran aventatge, doncs.

1 minute read


This is a verbatim copy of a post made in my old blog dimlight.wrodpress.com, included here for archiving purposes.

Here goes my new address, which is meant to be permanent till I leave Aberdeen on June:

Toni Sagrista
Room 121F
Keith House
Don Street
AB24 1WU

2 minute read


This is a verbatim copy of a post made in my old blog dimlight.wrodpress.com, included here for archiving purposes.

So finally I could swap rooms with Kunal. It’s been quite a hard task to accomplish, since there’s a lot of bureaucracy for such an easy thing as well. But let’s start at the beginning. Kunal is an indian guy who arrived at Scotland just one day after I did, and he was very close to the indians of my former flat. This flat was actually occupied by three indians and Mathew, a german erasmus who’s given up in teaching the indians how to behave when they live with others. The thing is that they are used to have everything done at their homeland, with servants cooking and cleaning for them and this kind of stuff. So when I first saw my former kitchen I was a bit shocked coz it looked like the Irak war had taken place in there. A big mess, indeed.

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