Gaia Sky gets new website

A brand new website and a brand new domain

2 minute read

Over the past few weeks I’ve been working on a new standalone website for Gaia Sky. It uses the same technology stack as my personal website (essentially Hugo), so it is a static website generated from templates and content. This is enough for Gaia Sky. I am no graphic designer or UX person, but I tried my best to make it look potable.

The new Gaia Sky website,

Why did I create a standalone website instead of keeping the old section in the ZAH site? A few reasons:

  1. It is much easier to update and maintain.
  2. We now have a news section to make announcements of new releases, datasets, and whatnot. People can follow it with RSS.
  3. We can use our own domain, This was in the back of my mind for a long time.
  4. We can verify our Flathub package. The impossibility to get Gaia Sky verified in Flathub is what prompted it all, as we obviously do not control the domain associated with the old app ID de.uni_heidelberg.zah.GaiaSky. The new ID space.gaiasky.GaiaSky is already verified.

As an extra perk, the new site allowed us to integrate things that were previously scattered in several places. I have written scripts to generate pages for:

The site is responsive and should render fine on PC and mobile. If you are interested, give it a visit:

Website design by myself. See the privacy policy.
Content licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 .