2 minute read

This is a verbatim copy of a post made in my old blog dimlight.wrodpress.com, included here for archiving purposes.

So finally I could swap rooms with Kunal. It’s been quite a hard task to accomplish, since there’s a lot of bureaucracy for such an easy thing as well. But let’s start at the beginning. Kunal is an indian guy who arrived at Scotland just one day after I did, and he was very close to the indians of my former flat. This flat was actually occupied by three indians and Mathew, a german erasmus who’s given up in teaching the indians how to behave when they live with others. The thing is that they are used to have everything done at their homeland, with servants cooking and cleaning for them and this kind of stuff. So when I first saw my former kitchen I was a bit shocked coz it looked like the Irak war had taken place in there. A big mess, indeed.

So let’s get back to Kunal. When he moved in he was given a room in a flat nearby, in the Keith House, but the indinas just wanted to stay together since they cook together, mess around together and even sleep together sometimes (:S). And afterwards what Mathew had warned me about happened, and the indians asked me to swap rooms with Kunal, which was a good deal for us two. So we wrote a letter and handed it in to the warden, who allowed us to swap the rooms. This morning we went to the accommodation office and signed the new contracts and after a quick visit to the gim went back to Hillhead and starting to move our stuff.

Now we can say I’m settled down again in the new room with another german erasmus, a guy from Pakistan, another one from Egypt and a londoner. The new flat is very very clean and organized compared to the indian commune, and I would say the room is a bit better, having the window closing properly and nice wooden drawers in the closet.

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